School of Design (SOD) - CMR University

Lakeside campus Bagalur, Karnataka, India | Full-time


About the School of Design (SOD)


CMR University (CMRU) School of Design is dedicated to delivering programmes that are driven by emphasis on collaborative learning, interaction with industry experts, relevant curriculum, and personal development that nurture creative thinkers and doers to become:

  • Creative problem solvers
  • Socially responsible and engaged human beings
  • Reflective lifelong learners
  • Competent ethical leaders

This is achieved by structured delivery of guidance not only in terms of building core design competency in students, but also interweaving structured courses in soft and leadership skills, personal growth and career preparedness, establishing three main pillars (Design Core Curriculum, Common Core Curriculum, LEAP) in our academic  programmes, that makes a Bachelor of Design programme unlike any in the country.

This new  kind of Design School is looking for Faculty Members that are driven to make a difference in the Design Education in India. We believe in teaching what is relevant and current, engaging with communities outside the classroom, and making a difference to ourselves and others through design.




B.Des. Communication Design
Specializations -Digital Experiences (UX Design) and Graphic Design for Print


B.Des. Product Design
Specializations - Furniture, Lifestyle Products, Lighting, Toy, Appliance Design


B.Des. Fashion Design
Specializations - Apparel Design and Accessory Design


B.Des. Interior (Space) Design

Specializations - Residential Interiors and Exhibition Spaces


Academic Openings

Interior Design

  • Junior Assistant Professor - Interior Design 
  • Senior Assistant Professor - Interior Design 
  • Associate Professor - Interior Design/Exhibition Space Design
  • Professor - HOD Interior (Space) Design

Fashion Design

  • Junior Assistant Professor -Fashion Design
  • Senior Assistant Professor - Fashion Design -  Apparel Design/ Accessory Design
  • Associate Professor - Fashion Design -   Apparel Design/ Accessory Design
  • Professor - HOD Fashion Design

Communication Design

  • Junior Assistant Professor -Communication Design
  • Senior Assistant Professor - Communication Design – Graphic Design for Print
  • Associate Professor - Communication Design - Digital Experiences
  • Professor - HOD Communication Design

For details on Qualifications and Experience please click on the following links